
Mr. LaShade, portrayed by Billy Dee Williams, is a main character on the hit television show Exposé. LaShade is a "suave, smooth-talking nightclub owner" under whose tutelage strippers-turned-crimefighters Crystal and Autumn fight evildoers.

In the final episode of the show's fourth season, Corvette, a third heroine guest star portrayed by Nikki Fernandez, discovers that Mr. LaShade is also The Cobra, Exposé's main villain. It is this discovery that leads to the death of Nikki's character on-screen. Mr. LaShade leads Crystal and Autumn to believe that Corvette was working for The Cobra when they come in to find her dead.


  • Hurley describes Mr. Lashade as a "suave, smooth-talking club owner".
  • After discovering the episode's script among Nikki's things, Hurley is shocked to learn about Mr. LaShade's deceit and true identity as the Cobra. He describes the Cobra as "this big bad guy" whose identity "has been shrouded in mystery for four seasons".


  • Mr. LaShade is portrayed both on-screen and off-screen by Billy Dee Williams. After their scene is over, Nikki talks to the now out-of-character actor, calling him "Billy Dee".
  • Billy Dee Williams played the part of "Billy Diamond", a jewel thief similarly forced to work undercover for police in the television series Double Dare.