
Whoiscgm Whoiscgm 11 April 2010

MIB - Destiny vs Free Will (Choice)

Do you guys think it's possible MIB had no intention of being "the MIB" and was either destined to be, or tricked into it (like what he could have done w sawyer in the cave) and he just wants a regular life? maybe he hates turning into smoke and judging and killing?

Or is it all a ruse to escape the island and end the world?

I wonder - maybe he wasnt born evil incarnate, and had no idea this was what his "life" would ultimately entail.

Here's some of my thinking. In the Catholic tradition, there was real humanity involved when Mary found out she was the Immaculate Conception. She was terrified and thought she was unworthy. I feel like there was confusion and anxiety when Jesus realized His destiny as well. I've often wondered if the antichri…

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Whoiscgm Whoiscgm 9 April 2010

We're not getting any more answers

Face it guys, with only 5 eps left, at this pace, especially given the nature of the "answers" we are getting, there's no way all the mysteries we've debated over are going to be explained. Other than the ultimate destiny of the survivors and the island, and what the FST is and how it merges with the OT, I think we're done. Maybe Walt will return. Maybe Desmond's significance will be clarified, maybe not. Libby may return, Annie might. But I'm not holding my breath.

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Whoiscgm Whoiscgm 8 April 2010

One of the final mysteries waiting to be unveiled

Who in the hell is Penny's mom? I feel like they are subtly building her up to be a bombshell for all of us.

Any theories? Is it Claire's mom? Charlie's mom?

Any crazy theories? It's Libby who traveled back in time to the Adam and Eve timeline before the original jughead exploded in timeline 2 and then grew old and moved off the island when the island sank due to Walt's volcano eruption in timeline 9 on the sub to michigan and got a job at sawyer's shrimp truck and met widmore at a lamp post convention in tampa where she posed as an economist named annie.

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Whoiscgm Whoiscgm 7 April 2010


Ok, so I was pretty sold on the idea of the bomb creating a new timeline that evolved into the FST. But now Widmore (and his family) is making it seem that the whole FST is the result of MIB getting off the island and doing something bad. and then the OST will vanish ala back to the future.

So...um what? Does that mean the two timelines cant coexist (in different dimensions)? are they not happening at the same time? What is MIB going to do that will create this timeline? Or is it already existing after all?

And did the losties always set off jughead, or not? was the losties involvement in the incident a gamechanger that created the FST, or was it how it always happened?

the whole "always happened" ideology seems shaky since Widmore et al are …

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Whoiscgm Whoiscgm 30 March 2010

What they REALLY need to explain

is the Others. This season has told us they dont know about the candidates, havent met jacob, and dont know anything but to watch castaways and make lists. What do they think they're there for? What is their endgame?

And wtf is up with room 23? Why did they think Walt was so special if they didnt know he was a candidate (if he was)? Just to be a new leader? Just to be fresh blood since they cant have kids? Again why do they need an amazing leader what are they doing there? Why is room 23 education for Walt but punishment for Karl? Or was it also pun for Walt?

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