
Tim Suchecki Tim Suchecki 11 April 2010


1. Desmond gets all out of whack

2. Desmond finds his Constant and gets all better!

3. Faraday writes "if anything happens, Desmond will be MY constant" or something like that.

4. Time gets all out of whack

6. Desmond finds his Constant and slips between dimensions!!!

5. Wait, but first, Daniel Widmore found DESMOND and figured out the whole thing!


Seriously, I just kinda felt like posting a blog. Faraday/Widmore never went through electromagnetic torture exprimentation, he never blowed up in a hatch, and the producers never called him very very special.


The producers WILL be looking for a way (if they had not already concieved of one) to payoff that infamous mystery-intrigue-notebook Constant cap-off. Won't they? I mean, …

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Tim Suchecki Tim Suchecki 26 March 2010

Divie 'em up

In the end, who do you think will be on who's side?

I think this is pretty certain:

Jacob: Jack, Ilana, Sun, Frank, Miles, Ben, Richard, Hurley.

MiB: Sayid, Claire, many Others

But what about all these (seemingly) neutral people? Desmond, Sawyer, Kate, Jin? Widmore?

I think Desmond could easily go either way. I know he's a good guy, and it would be sad to see that character turn all "dark", but since we haven't even seen him yet in the OT and since these teams seem very unpredictable, there's many potentialities for Desmond at this point.

Sawyer: MiB. I know that he's an awesome character, and I think the next best thing would be for him to remain neutral, but from a storytelling standpoint, if you're gonna divide your main characters into t…

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Tim Suchecki Tim Suchecki 12 March 2010

Just a wee bit o' speculation

We all know about the CONCEPT that the FST "split apart" from the OT at some point, whether or not we all agree with it and whether or not it ends up being true. This blog assumes this is true, and it also does NOT claim to be a genuine theory or the intended subject of constructive debate...it's just a cool idea I had.

What if events in the FST lead to another reality to "split apart"? What if an event in the past was changed that led to an alternate set of events - alternate to the alternate, that is. What if THIS alternate reality ended up being the OT? And the OT would eventually lead to the FST, which would lead again to the OT. Reality would be exactly like Richard and Locke's compass. Everything leading up to 1954, the first ti…

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Tim Suchecki Tim Suchecki 11 March 2010

What is MiB not telling us?

First, MiB tells Sawyer that he wants to get off the island and that the island doesn't need protecting.

Second, MiB sends a message telling everyone at the temple that they can join him in leaving or stay and die.

Third, MiB tells Ben Linus that he is leaving and that he needs Ben there to take care of the island.

These are what MiB has stated of his motivations. I think we can confidently settle on the fact that he wants to leave that damned island. This has been a consistant factor in all of his actions and motivations. But what he is not telling us is what he needs in order to leave. This leaves a lot of open holes in his motivations. Recruitment has something to do with it.

There is one discrepancy in these motivations: him telling S…

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Tim Suchecki Tim Suchecki 4 March 2010

Why is the Ilana/Frank/Ben/Sun group SO DAMN AWESOME?

Here's a spot for me to appreciate the role so far of the IlanaFrankBenSun grouping in the show. Such an oddball collection of characters, yet somehow so satisfying and agreeable to the mental tastes.


1. They are a span of the entire show, bredth wise. Every subsection of characters is in this little group: Sun of the 815ers, Ilana of the 316ers, Ben of the Others, and Frank of the Freighters. Dharma could also sort of be represented by Ben, too, although they aren't really important to what's going on in the show right now.

2. They have a mission. Ilana seems to know what she's doing, and everybody seems to be helping her out. When they emerged in the temple, and their faces popped through that door o…

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