
TheHeroOfCanton TheHeroOfCanton 4 October 2009

Crimson pen with gold tip

Significance of the crimson pen with a gold tip?!

I've noticed when pen is put to paper during a significant turning point of a characters life the pen is always the same crimson pen with a gold tip. What is the significance, are they signing over there destiny when they sign? Has this been discussed before? Or is it nothing?

Here are the episodes I found with the pen. There may be others...

1x10 Raised By Another - Claire is signing adoption papers to give away Aaron. First pen is out of ink then she is handed the crimson pen with gold tip.

1x11 All The Best Cowboys Have Daddy Issues - Christain hands Jack the crimson pen with gold tip to sign that their was no malpractice in the procedure that got him disbarred.

5x16 The Incident - Littl…

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TheHeroOfCanton TheHeroOfCanton 28 August 2009

Jacob and Esau's Religious Background

I wanted to write about Jacob and Esau's religious background and where you can see that religious influence, their family tree, and where it's referred to in Lost. If MIB is Esau, as I believe, what is Jacob & Esau's history prior to the island as told in religion? I'm not a religious studies major, most of this is pulled right from wikipedia and I just edited and added Lost themes. This is gonna be long.

ABRAHAM AND ISAAC Let's start with their grandfather, Abraham. Judaism, Christianity and Islam are sometimes referred to as the "Abrahamic religions" because of the role Abraham plays in their holy books. God promised Abraham that through his offspring, all the nations of the world will come to be blessed. Jews, Christians, and Muslims …

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TheHeroOfCanton TheHeroOfCanton 20 August 2009

Is Desmond's story done?

Anyone else wondering what they are doing with Desmond or how they're going to bring him back to the island? I think it would be cool if Desmond has something to do with getting everyone stuck in 1977 back to the present. Since he's Daniel's constant maybe he had a conversation with Daniel that we don't know about. Maybe Desmond was sent on a mission to go back to the island and he has to set up some equipment or place personal items of each character to get back. What's everyone idea on how they will bring back Desmond does everyone think his story is done?

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TheHeroOfCanton TheHeroOfCanton 14 August 2009

Is the Dharma Station under the church fake??

Does anyone else think that the room under the church is a fake Dharma Station and that it can't really predict when windows will open up to get to the Island?

It always seemed weird to me that Dharma would have a station under a church in Los Angeles that determines when and where windows appear to get back to the Island. First off, when does Eloise become a part of Dharma. Second, why wouldn't Widmore and everybody else who are looking to get back to the Island never used it.

Maybe Ajira 316 would have gone through that window no matter who was on board. Maybe Eloise really knew about that plane because Daniel had wrote it in his journal and that the O6 where on that plane and they may be able to change the past under his plan. Eloise …

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