
SmokeysFriend108 SmokeysFriend108 14 May 2010

The Smoke Monster is not MIB

Dude! I think I had it all wrong. I believe that when MIB went into the waterfall of light the smoke monster was already there. I think what we have been seeing all of this time is not really Jacob's brother, but an ACTUAL LIVING evil that has been waiting for someone to set it free. Jacob's brother is dead they conned us into believing he was the bad guy when in actuallity, his bro is dead and it is basically Jacob vs. a smoke monster, not his brother. Just a theory, but I think that I have something.

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SmokeysFriend108 SmokeysFriend108 12 May 2010

What is the Smoke monster?

I think that when MIB fell into the waterfall, he unleashed a smoke monster. The whole time that we have been watching this, it was not MIB taking form of people, but an actual smoke monster. Noname is dead and that is the only explanation that I would be happy for. (Pretty selfish, I know). If that is not the case and there are no more flashbacks regarding Jacob and Noname then Across the Sea was pretty pointless.

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SmokeysFriend108 SmokeysFriend108 12 May 2010

So disappointed after Across the Sea

It was a good episode I guess, but I am still very disappointed. I was expecting a lot of answers and backstory into everything and the acting from the two women was so unlost like. It really revealed nothing and made everything even more complicated. Basically, it told us how Jacob became leader and how MIB became Smokie, but I thought personally that the episode was very cheesy. He went through a waterfall of gold? And worst of all, there has been no mention at all of a "golden waterfall." The only thing I thought when I first saw this was, "So that's what John said that he saw." But then it turned black and Smokie was burn. MIB also died so the Smoke monster is the dead spirit of MIB? I don't know, but I would have liked to know what th…

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SmokeysFriend108 SmokeysFriend108 1 May 2010

Jack Needs To Let Go

Alright, so I have all the 6th season episodes of LOST recorded on my DVR and I have all 5 seasons on DVD and I decided to go back and watch LA X because I thought I might have missed something. I only watched the first ten minutes or so and I noticed that when Jack and Rose are on the plane together Rose tells Jack that he can let go because the plane didn't crash or whatever. I suddenly realized that this line has been used a lot referring to Jack. His dad told him to let go regarding Sarah, Rose told him to let go in the flash sideways, and I remember Jack talking to someone this season recently, last 2 or 3 episodes ago, and they were talking about what would happen if Jack "let go." I just thought that it was cool that the writers br…

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SmokeysFriend108 SmokeysFriend108 21 April 2010

Who is the last recruit?

I was watching the episode, which was awesome, and afterwards I realized that it never revealed who the last recruit was. Did I miss something or what?

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