
Ninyo Ninyo 16 February 2010

I am very dissapointed.... IN ALL OF YOU!

Due to the blogs posted since the premier of season 6, most idiotic and others way to critical, i have made a firm decision to stop visiting this site.

You would think that after 6 years of watching the show you would have a greater appreciation and trust in the writers and directors. Its only 3 episodes in and people are ranting and raving about things that really don’t matter.

If you are too blind to see the enormous growth in each of our characters, then you are just robbing yourself. Stop watching the show for “the answers” and for what it is.

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Ninyo Ninyo 16 February 2010

I am very dissapointed... IN ALL OF YOU!

Due to the blogs posted since the premier of season 6, most idiotic and others way to critical, i have made a firm decision to stop visiting this site.

You would think that after 6 years of watching the show you would have a greater appreciation and trust in the writers and directors. Its only 3 episodes in and people are ranting and raving about things that really don’t matter.

If you are too blind to see the enormous growth in each of our characters, then you are just robbing yourself. Stop watching the show for “the answers” and for what it is.

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Ninyo Ninyo 1 February 2010

Just watched LA X part one :)

All i can say is WOW! No really, thats all i can say or i'll get banned. Hahaha

But on the real, questions asked at the end of the incident are answered. So no stressing there. But at the same time, in "LOST" usual fashion, Damon & Carlton leaving asking one major question. A question you will ask in the first 5 minutes of the ep. "WHAAAAAT????"

Hope you all enjoy it as much as i did. SOOOOO LOOKING FORWARD TO THE NEXT 17!!

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Ninyo Ninyo 12 January 2010

Another LOST chess link

playing chess today and thought of this.

What happens when a pawn (John Locke) reaches the end of the board (end of there destiny/path)???

They become a bigger better piece. A piece used for a greater purpose.

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Ninyo Ninyo 24 November 2009

I Figured Out The Loop!! i think :)

What if Aaron is Jacob? I know.. i hate those stupid kind of prediction like Boone is the island and MIB is Nikki just there to piss everyone off. But stick with me.

Going on the basis that the MIB can shape shift into the dead on island, then he was using Christians' form.

Now Christian lead Claire away from Aaron season 4 and told Locke that Aaron is where he was "supposed" to be. Which lead to him being off-island.

Then Claire appeared to Kate in her dream and told her not to bring Aaron back to the island. If this didnt happen, Kate would certainly bring Aaron back to the island on 316. What if Claire was MIB? Is it likey that Claire died? Considering she was so chill at the cabin im guessing she wasnt quite "herself". You might ask how …

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