
I'm sure many of you have noticed this, reflections in the FST seem to be a new recurring theme this season...

  • In "LAX", Jack's reflection can be seen as he examines his neck in the mirror of the airplane lavatory.
  • In "What Kate Does", Kate's reflection can be seen in the mirror in the auto-shop bathroom. The mirror is dirty and her reflection is somewhat obscured.
  • In "The Substitute", John Locke's reflection can be seen in his bathroom shaving mirror.
  • In "Lighthouse", Jack's reflection can be seen as he examines his appendix scar in his bathroom mirror.
  • In "Sundown", Sayid's reflection can be seen in the glass of Nadia's front door. Due to the way the glass panes are made, his reflection appears distorted, and his face is half-white, half-black.
  • In "Dr. Linus", Ben's reflection can be seen in the door of his microwave oven.
  • In "Recon", James (Sawyer) Ford's reflection can be seen in the mirror in the police locker room; he then breaks the mirror.
  • In "The Package", Sun Paik's reflection can be seen as she examines herself in a hotel room mirror.