
I think Sawyer and Juliet will end up stuck on the island in the past as “Adam and Eve”. They’ve tried several times to leave before, but never quite made it off:

- Juliet forced to stay on island by Ben until work is done.

- Sawyer fails to leave island in raft with Michael, Walt, and Jin.

- Juliet fails to leave island with Jack in sub.

- Sawyer fails to leave island with Oceanic 6 in helicopter.

- Sawyer convinces Juliet to stay on the island and not leave with the sub.

- Sawyer and Juliet will fail to leave island again in sub b/c probably Kate talks them into going back to stop Jack, b/c otherwise they will never be together.

I think that Sawyer and Juliet are destined to never leave the island. In fact they will probably end up going back into the past to the island to become “Adam and Eve”. This would be ironic b/c Sawyer was giddy at the prospect of living in the outside with the knowledge of the past (i.e. Microsoft and Cowboys) in the latest show. Instead, they would be stuck further in the past on the island, not being able to take advantage of their knowledge of the past in the real world. Also, Juilet makes a good symbolic "Eve" since she is a fertility doctor who helps women get pregnant again, i.e. sort of a mother goddess earth like figure. Finally, Sawyer loves to pass away his time on the island reading his books. What better way for him to end up, but with Juliet who also likes books and was first seen hosting a book club in Lost. Also, books are symbolic of "knowledge", which could be symbolic for the "apple of knowledge" which lead to Adam's downfall, another reason for Sawyer to be Adam.
