
Lostfan101190 Lostfan101190 5 February 2010

Friendly Fire

Both Jacob and Nemesis/Smokey call eachother friends. Nemesis to Jacob in The Incident:"I'm going to find a loophole my friend". Jacob to Hurley in LA X: "I was killed by an old friend who grew tired of my company". Since when do friends kill eachother or go to great lengths to prove the other wrong. You guys think these guys got along at one point in time but had a falling out of epic proportions? Or is it just a figure of speech, like Caesar or John McCain?

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Lostfan101190 Lostfan101190 3 February 2010


You heard it here first and I am officially copyrighting this word. We've had flashbacks and flashforwards but LA X is the first time we have FLASHSIDEWAYS's. Setting up a timeline paralleling Lost's true journey was brilliant and the noise that is heard when when the flashes our occuring: very cool. Its like a metallic whooshing.

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Lostfan101190 Lostfan101190 28 January 2010

Some people are confused

The writers did not mess up the time travel thing when Jin traveled with the Losties through time while the helicopter didn't. Both Jin and the helicopter WERE outside the radius of the island when it moved. Jin was floating in the ocean for a while in 2004 until he floated into the window left behind by the moved island. He then appeared in the time that Sawyer and co. were in, which is the same time he would have been in had he stayed on the island when it first moved. Conversely, the Oceanic 6 did not pass through that window in 2004 after the helicopter crashed, but were rescued by Penny. They returned and DID pass through that window in 2007 while on ajira 316. Jack, Kate, Hurley, and Sayid then also appeared in the time that Sawyer a…

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Lostfan101190 Lostfan101190 28 January 2010

Debunked Theory

On THE INCIDENT ENHANCED Tuesday, it was revealed that Ben was telling the truth when he told Sun that the statue was demolished prior to his 1973 arrival. However, in 1977, Ethan was born on the island. So, the statue being destroyed couldn't have caused the pregnancy issues (unless Ethan was conceived off the island, but thats probably not what happened). Anybody else think Jughead caused it?

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Lostfan101190 Lostfan101190 25 January 2010

I converted somebody

For years, my dad has HATED Lost. He watched it up to when Sawyer and Kate were in the cages and gave up. He made fun of me for watching it ever since. UNTIL, I was rewatching season 4 while my brother watched for the first time and my dad caught on. He actually begged me to watch the season 5 finale with him a few weeks ago. Anyway, he said something to me that even I, the biggest Lost fan ever, hadn't thought of. He said that Jacob WANTED for Ben to kill him not to uphold some plan to ultimately stop his nemesis or because he had a plan to somehow survive the stabbing, but because Jacob just didn't want to live anymore. He has lived for probably hundreds of years, if not longer, all alone in a statue. He doesn't age and cant get sick, an…

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