
So It was recently mentioned again the whole "What lies in the shadow of the statue" thing. So.. it got me thinking about an episode in season 2 that had a similar statement. Its hard to remember the details but it went something like this. John and Jack had Ben Locked up in the hatch and John gave Ben a book. He then told Ben that one man was great and the other (who was also a great man) lived his whole life trying to be as great as the other. Then Ben being manipultive asked John " So which one are you John? The man who is great, or the man who lives in the shadow of the man who's great?" I hope thats accurate..close anyhow, John was very frustrated, this was around the time he started letting Ben get in his head, resulting in a leadership struggle between himself and Jack. It was just one of those possible forshadow things I was remembering. This isnt a right or wrong discussion, Can you think of anymore that we dont talk about much. Or feel free to build on the one I mentioned.Igivesaclaire 11:07, March 22, 2010 (UTC)
