
IdoruFM IdoruFM 28 May 2010

Why did the Losties time travelled with the Ajira and The Incident?

Of all the millions mysteries or questions which are going to be left unresolved or open to interpretation there has been two between season 5 and 6 which I have never been able to explain myself. One is why the losties time travelled back to 1977 when they went back to the island in the Ajira and why they return to present in the Incident. I think a plausible explanation for the second is what has been discussed by LostinCanada and Shawn4168 in relation to course correction, in resume what happened in The Incident with Jughead was just this:

"That is what happens when anyone attempts to break the rules of time travel. They tried to change the past and the rules of time travel avoided the violation of the inalterableness of the past."

Any su…

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IdoruFM IdoruFM 25 May 2010

Jack's injuries

Probably this has been discussed here before but Jack in the FST seems to remember unconsciously that the "reality" he is experiencing is not real and is time to wake up. We see two times a sudden injury in Jack's neck caused by his concious trying to make him realize of what happened in his fight with Locke and that he is dead. What I have not realized until now is that the scar he thought it was caused by appendicitis was in fact another game of his subconscious to remember him one time he had a one inch knife inside his stomach.

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IdoruFM IdoruFM 25 May 2010

Closing the circle.

Every good story needs to have coherent characters with powerful back stories to give credibility to the plot. A good plot doesn't make a good story without good characters while some of the most important and famous stories that have been told had a simple argument supported by very good and interesting characters. During 6 seasons in Lost we has been discussing issues like Evil vs Good, Faith vs Science, Free Will vs Destiny, personal growth, every of us has things to say about what could have been the perfect ending for the series according to the issues we believe more interesting or more in accordance with our thoughts or personality, but no matter how satisfactory has been the ending for the series, we can't deny that the characters …

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IdoruFM IdoruFM 21 May 2010

Why Ben Killed Jacob

When Ben gave the walkie to Miles I initially thought it was for connecting it allowing Miles to know what was happening at Dharma Ville with Smokey. I don't know if it was connected, but I think I know why Ben killed Widmore. Widmore didn't want Ben to hear the critical information of what was his purpose on the island involving Desmond as was revealed to him by Jacob. When Ben realized he was not going to hear the information he killed Widmore to obtain exactly how Desmond is going to do that from Widmore's body through Miles powers. Apart from revenge, I think Ben, the master of manipulation is preparing his last double agent game.

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IdoruFM IdoruFM 21 April 2010

Identity of the candidate

The candidate is not one of the chosen Losties but all of them. Evidences:

-Their numbers sum 108.

-108 is the number selected on the Lighthouse.

-108 were the maximum minutes allowed to be able to release/contain the electromagnetic instability of the dark matter below the hatch.

-MIB wants all of them to leave together the island. He has put a lot of effort in gathering them.

-When most of them left the island, they felt broken and came back.

-Jacks knows all of them have to do something together and so knows James, inside of him.

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