
HorribleEyes HorribleEyes 6 October 2010

Anyone else experiencing glitches?

Hi, I'm wondering if I'm alone, my "Reply" button seems to be out to lunch. I press it, and the page just reloads/kicks me to the top. Is anyone else experiencing this, or any other glitches? I've switched to the "new skin" and the glitching became worse, but it was already hit&miss earlier today. Thanks.

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HorribleEyes HorribleEyes 6 October 2010

"Whose teeth are the straightest?"

Yes, the question is "LOST" related...but WHO CARES!  ;-)

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HorribleEyes HorribleEyes 10 September 2010

If the Losties were really in Hurley's head...

A theory was brought up on one of my blogs that the Island and everything that happened was all in Hurley's head. The folks "on the Island" were really just people Hurley interacted w/in the Looney Bin. My question to you is this: What kind of background would you give our Losties looney bin counterparts? An example: On the Island Jack is a doctor and a leader, while Sawyer is a con-man/"good ol' boy." My guess is in the Looney Bin, Jack is a pill addicted power freak, who commands attention(think "House"), and Sawyer is the doctor/nurse who hands out everybody's pills, giving everyone good natured nicknames to be chummy. Would love to hear your input.  ;-)

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HorribleEyes HorribleEyes 7 September 2010

Some Answers That Didn't Pan Out...

Last week I created a blog where we could post all of our answers to the questions left unanswered. Theories that make so much sense, they've become Canon In Our Heads™. This post is a place for us to share our theories/answers to questions that ended up being incorrect, but not neccessarily awful. Such as alternate answers to the whispers mystery, "Adam & Eve," and Jacob & MIB relationships. If any of you were an as obsessive LOST watcher as me, I'm sure you've got some beauties! And hey, some of your answers may be even better than the ones we were given!  ;-)

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HorribleEyes HorribleEyes 1 September 2010

Some Answers We've Told Ourselves...

LOST is now completly over, Epilogue revealed. Some questions that used to annoy me, but had no real impact on the show's outcome, I find myself assigning my own answers to. I assume many of you have done the same. Some of my answers have been simple/direct, and others more elaborate. Either way, they help me sleep at night.  ;-) So, what I'm asking from you is "What answers have you come up with for those nagging/lingering questions?"

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