
Jessica: Are we almost back?

Joshie: What? Yeah, I think so...

Elodie: Ughh

Joshie: You doing OK?

Elodie: Oui [sighs]

Joshie: Do you speak English?

Elodie: Not good.


Joshie's mom: No! There will be no...fighting in this house!

Joshie: But dad could "fight"!

Mom: But he isn't in this house anymore, is he? He's in some crazy war! He's not safe! All I want is for you to be safe!

Joshie: I am safe, mom!

Mom: Maybe you are, but I need to KNOW that!

Joshie: So, I'm telling you! You're so annoying!

On island

Jessica: There's a storm coming.

Joshie: [sarcastic] Oh, really?

Jessica: We should get back to land.

Joshie: There is no land, until we get back to the beach!

Jessica: The waves are getting bigger. I'm going to one of the caves. Sorry.

She swims to the caves, and gets inside.

Elodie: Au revior!

Joshie: I hope she's gonna be OK.

Elodie: Yes, and I hope we are OK.

Joshie: Me too.

A huge wave suddenly comes over Joshie and Elodie. Joshie comes back up. Elodie doesn't.

Joshie: Elodie????

At the camp

Eric: What the hell IS going on?

Brent: I told you, they said there is something out there that will try to attack some of us. Also, he said we can't trust anyone.

Eric: Great.

Harry: And what happened to that girl?

Brent: Jeanette? Well, a body fell on her. I don't know how, but-

Harry: Shut up!

Eric: What do you have against him??

Harry: He bugs me.

Eric: Well deal with it, or just get away from him.

In ocean (near cliffs)

Joshie: Elodie? Can you hear me?

He sees her far out in the ocean, with giant thrashing waves.

Elodie: Help!

Whos your favorite and least favorite character?
