
GeronimoJacksonNo1Fan GeronimoJacksonNo1Fan 11 May 2010

Favorite Part of the LOST Universe...

One of the things that I love about LOST is that there is so much detail. The smallest LOST created things have entire back stories and people who love them. One example of this is Geronimo Jackson although they still adamantly claim that this is a real band. Or the Apollo candy bar- In any other show this would just be a throwaway but in LOST it has significance and a history of its own. So what is your favorite fictional creation from LOST?

Obviously I like Geronimo Jackson but I also like the Drive Shaft story and the MacCutcheon whisky.

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GeronimoJacksonNo1Fan GeronimoJacksonNo1Fan 11 May 2010

On the lighter side....

Just came across a link to listen to Geronimo Jackson- Dharma Lady. Because really- who doesn't need a little bit of Geronimo Jackson in their life?


Dharma Lady, how ya been? Are we lovers, or we just friends? I believe, Oh I believe I’m in love again.

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GeronimoJacksonNo1Fan GeronimoJacksonNo1Fan 22 April 2010

Eloise, Christian's shoes, and the MIB

Ok, let's remember that it was Eloise Hawkings who told Jack that he needed to put something of Christian's with Locke so that he could serve as a "proxy".

I think that something is going on with that. Locke made a comment to Jack this week about how Jack was responsible for bringing back Locke so that MIB could take over the body.

NOW. Since we have seen that in the FST Eloise (now Widmore) seems to know a LOT about what is going on I wonder if the suggestion to take an item of Christian's was more important than just to recreate the conditions of the original flight. I think that Christian is a lot more important also than just a manifestation of MIB and I think that whose side he comes down on will be a crucial part of the coming "war".


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