
Empireserased89 Empireserased89 14 April 2010

The Beginning Of The End.

everyone remember how commercials were saying that [the beginning of the end]for lost right when Season 6 was about to begin? ..And now we've seen that the characters are slowly realizing what happened to them in their lives on the island. So to me, the producers have been showing us the end of the show since the beginning of season 6. I'm thinking that the "flash sideways" is the endings of the show.. Not how everything plays out on the island, but it's the characters endings, the closing clips on what happens to each one. How did they get to where they are now, and why are they realizing moments on the island? My theory is that they are going to have to die to get the "2nd chance at a better life".. Not saying I'm right, because I'm sure…

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Empireserased89 Empireserased89 10 April 2010

Anyone seen the HBO show Carnivale??

so, after buying season 1 of Carnivale at walmart for 15$ I watched through it (I've been looking for more tv series that have a mystical styling like lost does. haha) Anyhow.. it deals with Avatars. One's good, ones evil and they are against each other and they each have powers. The good one, has healing powers, the bad one has the power to have influence over people... Now this reminded me of Jacob and MIB.. Maybe they are avatars, and then it really connected when the shows producers(carnivale) said that when an avatar is born the mom goes crazy(I have no idea why..just relaying what i heard) and on Lost there was the episode when MIB tells kate "My mom was crazy too.." ..your thoughts on this?

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Empireserased89 Empireserased89 24 March 2010

The Islands Purpose..

So, just a theory, and like many it can probably be proved wrong, but after watching last nights episode I've thought that what if the island is actually only a prison. A prison that is solely there for the purpose of keeping MIB on it. There island's electromagnetic and all its other great mystical powers could be a "security system" in a way; the island has these properties because its that which keeps MIB from escaping.. Which is why the island is always moving.. So it can't be found, so he can't get off. Then Consider Jacob as a Special Warden in a way, who makes sure everything is under control and his prisoner can't escape. Why such an elaborate system for containing a prisoner? Well, we have yet to learn what MIB actually is, but I …

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Empireserased89 Empireserased89 21 March 2010

After reading and thinking..

So, I was going to wait to formulate an idea until after this weeks episode played(the March 23rd episode) just because it seems that it is going to feature Richard and will hopefully give us more insight. At this point in the series I think they are going to start throwing out answers to what the island is and everything. Anyways, I was reading some people's theories, one person said that both Jacob and MIB are both "monsters"--but maybe for them to be an actual monster they have to be dead first.. Think about it, people have theorized that Christian on the island is MIB just taking his form. We never see Jacob take the form of anyone else because up until the end of season 5 Jacob is still alive. Go with me for a bit.. When MIB finally i…

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Empireserased89 Empireserased89 11 February 2010

Remember the part..

So forgive me for not knowing which episode it was in but remember when they are all on the canoe thingy and they are trying to get to another side of the island during the time flashes and in one of the time segments they start getting shot at by a mysterious other canoe and I was just thinking that does anyone else think it could be wild jungle version of Claire? Sorry for this quick and crappily written theory but I'm in class and was just thinking about it and wanted to throw the idea out there ha.

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