
while looking up silly things i think might relate to the overall story of lost (and what is this show really all ablout anyways) i have been intriqued with the dog picture in the cabin, whats the significance if any its not vincint perhaps a clue of another kind--which lead me to siris the dog star...and on and on..) anyways i was curious about the ancient astronaut theory, which is basicly saying that at the beginning the "people" the ancients served as gods, well they wernt gods at all but astronauts from other planets/ dimentions and us seeing them fly up and disappear into the sky well we d think they were gods. perhaps lost will blend religion startings with science to give us real explanations instead of hey its just a magic island--go with that. besides if mankind is at stake, it makes sense "others" are watching....and why mib doesnt care if it always ends the same. besides darlton did say no timetravel or what was it spaceships or aliens in the same sentence--podcast.
