
EkosBigStick23 EkosBigStick23 1 September 2010

Under The Dome

So I am currently reading "Under The Dome" by Stephen King and Lost get's mentioned a couple of times in the novel. The second time though, King mentions a show called "The Hunted Ones" which he says was a clever sequel to Lost. In the hardcover version, it was page 694 I think. I don't know if anyone else has read this before but I was curious as to why King would mention a sequel to Lost or if he was just making it all up.

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EkosBigStick23 EkosBigStick23 2 June 2010

MiB vs The Ancient Enemy

I read Dean Koontz' Phantoms not too long ago and I can't help but notice some similarities between the smoke monster and the ancient enemy. They both can travel through vents and small places, can both take the shape and form of dead people and creatures (mib being the medusa spider) and they are both predominately black in color and both seem to exist outside of time, or be unaffected by it. They both share a high level of arrogance, complacency and disgust towards humans. Also, the scene in Across the Sea where Mother or smokey killed the villagers, it's very similar to the bodies that were found in Phantoms where they didn't seem to have a cause of death that was obvious and were killed during their ordinary daily chores. What do y…

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EkosBigStick23 EkosBigStick23 31 May 2010

Did you catch it?

I just started watching Lost again from the pilot and I just noticed something. In the scene where kate sows up jack. what color does he choose

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