
Is this Driveshaft groupie Karen DeGroot?[1]


Should keep in mind that Karen DeGroot and her husband appeared in the Orientation film made in 1980, roughly 20 years before Driveshaft appeared on the scene. Unless of course the Hanso Foundation experiments in life extension have been sucsessful--Tricksterson 13:09, 15 April 2006 (PDT)

Look at the top left hand corner of the Karen DeGroot picture. There is something on the bookshelve that looks a lot like half of the Oceanic Airlines Logo. It might just be me. --Captain Insano

  • No, its not just you. That does look a lot like the Oceanic Airlines logo, and it has been pointed out on several other websites. --Gateboy42 05:24, 6 July 2006 (PDT)

I remember there being more info on this page, or it was another page. But, why was the photo of Karen from the Lost Experience? (supposedly said the photo was taken in The Flame)

I doubt you want an Easter Egg to influence this page, but she appears in the extended Room 23 video on the S3 DVDs. She is of a similar age to her Orientation appearances, which can derive a possible time the Room 23 film was made.--The Smiley-Faced Balloon 13:10, 6 November 2007 (PST)

What about the 2 bodies found in the 1st season in the cave : http://lostpedia.wikia.com/wiki/Caves#Adam_.26_Eve ?
