For official DHARMA logos, see DHARMA Logos
For unofficial DHARMA logos, see Fan-made DHARMA logos

This table is a listing of all logos that were custom-made for the props department and used in the canonic Lost universe, including the television episodes, websites, books, and mobisodes.

Logos in Lost[]

These logos have appeared in television episodes of Lost.

Logo Organization
Action8news Action 8 News
The news program Tricia Tanaka and her cameraman worked for in "Tricia Tanaka Is Dead", the news program that covered Mrs. Arlen's crash in "Through the Looking Glass, Part 1", and the program which covered Hurley's car chase in "The Beginning of the End" See also KSVU 8 below.
Apollobar Apollo Candy Bar
The candy bar from the Swan's supply room, as well as in the website Apollocandy.com of The Lost Experience and elsewhere as Easter Eggs.
Bluebus Blue Bus Coach Lines
Bus line that Kate tried to buy a ticket for in "What Kate Did", before she was apprehended by Edward Mars.
Logo-blackrock Black Rock
As seen in "Exodus, Part 1","Exodus, Part 2" & "The Brig".
Brezza Brezza brand cigarettes
U.S. Marshal Edward Mars smoked these cigarettes while transporting Kate, shortly before the accident involving Kate's black horse in "What Kate Did". The brand was seen again amongst Sawyer's stash in "Flashes Before Your Eyes".
3x21-Butlins logo Butlin's
Seen in "Greatest Hits". A famous British holiday resort. Charlie learned to swim in a pool here.
Logo-Butties Butties Diapers
As seen in "Fire + Water", when Charlie & the rest of Drive Shaft did their commercial for them. Also appeared as an Easter Egg in "Flashes Before Your Eyes".
Cafebrukutu Cantina Brukutu
As seen in "The 23rd Psalm", when Eko and his gang drove up to a bar for a drug deal for heroin. A clearer view of the logo is visible here.
4x01 CircuitHouseLogo Circuit House
As seen in "The Beginning of the End", where Randy Nations worked, and where Hurley's car chase in his Camaro ended in a crash with the Golden Pontiac.
Cowin Heights Knights Cowin Heights Knights
As seen in "Cabin Fever", where Locke was a student at the Knights' high school.
Die mauer Die Mauer
The restaurant where Sayid and Elsa met in "The Economist" "Die Mauer" is German for "The Wall".
Dinascoffeeshop Dina's Coffee Shop
Where Desmond and Libby met in "Live Together, Die Alone, Part 1".
Driveshaftlogosmall Drive Shaft
Charlie's rock band. Same logo also seen on studio chairs.
Logo theelizabeth Elizabeth, The
The ship that Libby gave to Desmond in "Live Together, Die Alone, Part 1". The ship identification graphics are not real, and were created for the filming of Lost.
Erics Eric's Expert Service
The gas station where Sawyer and Cassidy worked their jewelry con in "The Long Con". See also Portsmouth and Bilson brand cigarettes below.
5x02 Exposé logo Exposé
The television series Nikki guest starred in before leaving Sydney.
Fiji Taxi Fiji Taxi
Taxi company Michael used in "Meet Kevin Johnson".
Logo-Flightline Flightline Motel
Motel seen in "Lockdown". An Oceanic Airlines aircraft flew over, giving credence to the name.
Future Future Paint
The paint that Desmond used in his lucid flashback in the episode "Flashes Before Your Eyes".
Gannon Gannon Car Rentals
Car rental advertisement seen on the back of Oceanic tickets in "Raised by Another", "Exodus, Part 1", "Exodus, Part 2" and "Further Instructions". The company's logo was also seen on a football match hoarding in "Flashes Before Your Eyes".
Glacier Glacier Bar
Candy bar given to Hurley by his father in "Tricia Tanaka Is Dead".
Harborside-jewelry Harborside Jewelry
Jewelry store near where Claire and Christian had coffee in "Par Avion".
Herarat aviation logo Herarat Aviation
Fictitious airline used by Mittelos Bioscience in "One of Us".
3x15KeithsDiner Keith's Diner
Diner where Diane worked as a waitress in "Left Behind".
1x18-KSVU8 KSVU 8
Television station that fielded a reporter to Hurley's house in "Numbers". See also Action 8 News, above.
1x18-KYAP17 KYAP 17
Television station that fielded a reporter to Hurley's house in "Numbers".
Logo-LATeamRealtors LA Team Realtors
Real Estate sign on Los Angeles home Nadia was inspecting with Locke in "Lockdown".
Logo-LastCall Last Call Cocktail Bar
The bar where Christian Shephard went after he left Ana Lucia, and where he had a conversation with Sawyer, in "Two for the Road".
Logo-lejardin Le Jardin Croissant Fertile
The restaurant that Sayid visited and was captured in, in "Enter 77". There was a second sign noting Arabian food on the lower left. Neither sign was legible in the episode; these images are taken from the abcmedianet.com press release still photos for this episode. The name referred to what is known in English as "The Fertile Crescent", a historically rich geographic area in the Middle East that includes what is now Iraq.
Logo-le-portail-darabie Le Portail D'Arabie
The Paris restaurant Sayid was originally working for in "Enter 77".
LondonCentralDeliverylogo London Central Delivery
The company that the delivery man worked for in "Flashes Before Your Eyes".
LA Organic Los Angeles Organic Produce
Truck trailer graphic that served as the backdrop to the fruit-smashing car chase scene in "The Beginning of the End".
Lynford Lynford, The
The hotel in "A Tale of Two Cities", where Jack found Christian Shephard attending Alcoholics Anonymous meetings.
MClogo MacCutcheon whisky
This was the label of the whisky that Charles Widmore drank (and said was too good for Desmond) in "Flashes Before Your Eyes". It was also the whisky that Anthony Cooper offered Locke in "The Man from Tallahassee".
Logo-Lotto Mega Lotto Jackpot
Logo seen on television (with Mary Jo), as well as on lottery ticket, in "Numbers".
Logo-Walkabout Melbourne Walkabout Tours
The Australian tour company that Locke visited in "Walkabout".
Logo-MinnesotaMetallurgy Minnesota Metallurgy
Company that Henry Gale owned. Appeared on the The Balloon.
Mittelos Bioscience
The company which recruited Juliet in "Not in Portland".

Below: logo from submarine uniform ("One of Us")
Molly-fisher-fruit-roll-ups Molly Fisher Fruit Roll-Ups
Candy Hurley was eating in before visited by Walt in "There's No Place Like Home, Part 2".
Moriah vineyards etiquette Moriah Vineyards
Wine label from the monastery Desmond belonged to in "Catch-22".
Logo-MrClucks Mr. Cluck's Chicken Shack
Where Hurley worked in "Numbers". Variations seen on storefront, and on uniform knit shirts and caps.
Isaac of uluru National Flash
The Tabloid Newspaper from "S.O.S.".
Logo-Nozzala Nozz-A-La Cola
Seen on The Balloon, originally from Stephen King, although King's versions are similar to Coca-Cola in design (white script on red background).
Logo-Oceanic Oceanic Airlines
Appeared in episodes, as well as website Oceanic-air.com. This logo was different to previous non-Lost appearances of Oceanic Airlines.
Logo otooles O'Toole's Irish Pub
The snowy lane where Bernard and Rose met in "S.O.S.". The image was taken from the filming location's website's snapshots of the Lost filming. The sign was a prop created by the Lost crew, based on the bar's actual name and logo. (link)
Palmetto Palmetto Telesis
In "I Do", Kate called US Marshal Edward Mars in a phone booth operated by Palmetto Telesis.
Logo-PanPacific Pan Pacific Airlines
Visible at LAX Airport Security Station and Airport Bar in Ana Lucia's flashback in "Two for the Road". Logo shown was a composite of parts visible from the two scenes.
Lostpp Playpen Magazine
Adult magazine found in Sawyer's stash by Charlie and Hurley in "Flashes Before Your Eyes"
Logo-Cigarettes Portsmouth and Bilson brand cigarettes.
Signage at Eric's Expert Service gas station where Sawyer played a con in "The Long Con". Bilson cigarettes appeared in the 2002 film May (in the film and/or the DVD commentary). Also, George Bilson co-wrote the screenplay for the 1945 film What, No Cigarettes?. However the connection of these two possibilities to Lost are unknown. The brand may be named for Gregg Bilson, Sr. Bilson is the founder of Independent Studio Services, a company that produces props for the film and television industry. Examples of Bilson and Brezza cigarette packs can be found on the website of Studio Graphics, the company's graphic design and print shop. Portsmouth is the birthplace of Charles Dickens as well as the port from which the Black Rock originally sailed from.
Logo ripple Ripple Potato Chips
The potato chips from the Swan's supply room in "Everybody Hates Hugo". Seen only in Hurley's dream sequence.
File:Logo seoulgatewayhotel.jpg Seoul Gateway Hotel
The hotel Jae Lee owned, where Jin worked, and Sun entered, in "...And Found". Note the real hotel name logo on the glass, partially visible behind the prop signs.
Logo-Southway Southway Garrison
The military prison where Desmond was incarcerated, and was freed from in "Live Together, Die Alone, Part 1".
Southfield's Auctions Southfield's Auctions
The auction where Charles Widmore bid for the Black Rock ledger in "The Constant".
StSebastian St. Sebastian Hospital
Logo of St. Sebastian Hospital, as seen on Jack's name tag.
StatePolice State Police
Logo of the Australian State Police as seen on the uniform of Officer Barnes. A similar state police logo appeared on Detective Calderwood's file regarding Sawyer. The design was based on the badge of the New South Wales Police Force.
Logo-Welcomehome Welcome Home
The company that John Locke owned, as seen on his pickup truck door in "Lockdown".
Logo-Widmore Widmore Labs
Seen on The Balloon, the preganancy test box, and in the background during "Fire + Water" outside the set of the You All Every Butties commercial.

Logos in The Lost Experience[]

These are logos which appear in the tie-in ARG (alternate reality game) The Lost Experience, but have not appeared in any episodes.

Logo Organization
Hanso logo Hanso Foundation
The original Hanso Foundation logo.
Hanso Logo 2 Hanso Foundation
The new Hanso Foundation logo.
Eri Electromagnetic Research Initiative
Seen only on website thehansofoundation.org
Iga Institute for Genomic Advancement
Seen only on website thehansofoundation.org
LifeExtensionProject Life Extension Project
Seen only on website thehansofoundation.org
MathematicalForecastingInitiative Mathematical Forecasting Initiative
Seen only on website thehansofoundation.org
MentalHealthAppeal Mental Health Appeal
Seen only on website thehansofoundation.org
Img ROTlogo Retrievers of Truth
Seen only on website retrieversoftruth.com
Wwwdp Worldwide Wellness and Prevention Development Program
Seen only on website thehansofoundation.org
