
In Japan, the show is known by the roman letters and true name: 'LOST', as well as the phonetic transliteration ロスト. SKY PerfecTV!'s AXN network, and JNN's BS-i are broadcasters.



Voice actors[]

See main article: Voice actors
The Japanese broadcast of Lost is dubbed by seiyuu (Japanese voice actors), many of them familiar voices from anime productions.

Episode names[]

Season 1[]

  1. 墜落 ("Crash") – "Pilot, Part 1"
  2. SOS – "Pilot, Part 2"
  3. 眠れぬ夜 ("The Night When You Cannot Sleep") – "Tabula Rasa"
  4. 運命 ("Destiny") – "Walkabout"
  5. 責任 ("Responsibility") – "White Rabbit"
  6. 閉ざされた心 ("The Heart Which is Closed") – "House of the Rising Sun"
  7. 暗闇の中で ("In Darkness") – "The Moth"
  8. 手紙 ("Letter") – "Confidence Man"
  9. 孤独の人 ("The Person of Loneliness") – "Solitary"
  10. 予言 ("Prediction") – "Raised by Another"
  11. 見えない足跡 ("The Footprint Which is Not Visible") – "All the Best Cowboys Have Daddy Issues"
  12. ケースの中の過去 ("Past in the Case") – "Whatever the Case May Be"
  13. 絆 ("Bonds") – "Hearts and Minds"
  14. 運命の子 ("Child of Destiny") – "Special"
  15. 守るべきもの ("Those Which it Should Protect") – "Homecoming"
  16. 最期の言葉 ("Last Words")– "Outlaws"
  17. 沈黙の陰 ("Secret of Silence") – "...In Translation"
  18. 数字 ("Number") – "Numbers"
  19. 啓示 ("Revelation") – "Deus Ex Machina"
  20. 約束 ("Promise") – "Do No Harm"
  21. 悲しみの記憶 ("Sad Memory") – "The Greater Good"
  22. タイムカプセル (phonetically: "Time Capsule") – "Born to Run"
  23. 迫りくる脅威 ("The Threat Which is Imminent") – "Exodus, Part 1"
  24. 暗黒地帯 ("Dark Zone") – "Exodus, Part 2"
  25. 漆黒の闇 ("Jet-Black Darkness") – "Exodus, Part 3"

Season 2[]

  1. 闇の底 ("Bottom of Darkness") – "Man of Science, Man of Faith"
  2. 漂流 ("Drifting") – "Adrift"
  3. 信じる者 ("Man of Faith" (lit. Man Who Believes)) – "Orientation"
  4. 憂鬱な仕事 ("Dejected Work") – "Everybody Hates Hugo"
  5. 探しもの ("Searching Ones") – "...And Found"
  6. さまよう者 ("The Person Who Wanders") – "Abandoned"
  7. 知られざる48日 ("48 Days Which are Not Known") – "The Other 48 Days"
  8. 復讐 ("Vengeance") – "Collision"
  9. 彼女の事情 ("Her Circumstance") – "What Kate Did"
  10. 詩篇23章 ("23rd Psalm") – "The 23rd Psalm"
  11. 境界線 ("Boundary Line") – "The Hunting Party"
  12. 天使の言葉 ("Word of Angel") – "Fire + Water"
  13. 詐欺の手口 ("Method of Fraud") – "The Long Con"
  14. 捕らえられた男 ("The Man Who Is Caught") – "One of Them"
  15. 記憶の扉 ("Door of Memory") – "Maternity Leave"
  16. 秘密 ("Secret") – "The Whole Truth"
  17. 封鎖 ("Blockade") – "Lockdown"
  18. 再会 ("Reunion") – "Dave"
  19. 救済の地 ("Area of Relief") – "S.O.S."
  20. 一丁の銃 ("The One Gun") – "Two for the Road"
  21. 死者の伝言 ("Message of the Deceased") – "?"
  22. 隠された取引 ("The Transaction Which is Hidden") – "Three Minutes"
  23. 旅路の果て ("End of Journey") – "Live Together, Die Alone, Part 1"
  24. 破滅の刻 ("Moment of Ruin") – "Live Together, Die Alone, Part 2"

Season 3[]

  1. 囚われた者たち("Prisoners" [literally: "Those Who Are Captured"]) - "A Tale of Two Cities"
  2. ガラスのバレリーナ(phonetically: "Glass Ballerina") - "The Glass Ballerina"
  3. 次なる導き ("Next Guidance") - "Further Instructions"
  4. 自らのために生きよ ("In Favor of Oneself") - "Every Man for Himself"
  5. 懺悔 ("Confession") - "The Cost of Living"
  6. 誓い ("Vow") - "I Do"
  7. 偽りの場所 ("Lie about the Location") - "Not in Portland"
  8. 軌道 ("Fixed Course" (lit. Orbit or Railroad Track) - "Flashes Before Your Eyes"
  9. 裁きの時 ("Moment of Judgment") - "Stranger in a Strange Land"
  10. 希望 ("Hope") - "Tricia Tanaka Is Dead"
  11. コード77 (phonetically: "Code 77") - "Enter 77"
  12. 海を渡って ("Crossing the Sea") - "Par Avion"
  13. 魔法の箱 ("Magic Box") - "The Man from Tallahassee"
  14. エクスポゼ ((phonetically: "Exposé") - "Exposé"
  15. 二人の女 ("Two Women") - "Left Behind"
  16. 新たな仲間 ("New Companions") - "One of Us"
  17. ジグソーパズル (phonetically: "Jigsaw Puzzle") - "Catch-22"
  18. 受胎の日 ("Date of Conception") - "D.O.C."
  19. 報い ("Reward") - "The Brig"
  20. 誕生 ("Birth") - "The Man Behind the Curtain"
  21. グレイテスト・ヒッツ (phonetically: "Greatest Hits") - "Greatest Hits"
  22. 決行 ("Carrying Out[a Plan]") - "Through the Looking Glass, Part 1"
  23. 終わりの始まり ("The Beginning of the End") - "Through the Looking Glass, Part 1"

Season 4[]

  1. 選択 ("Choice") - "The Beginning of the End"
  2. 訪問者たち ("Visitors") - "Confirmed Dead"
  3. 雇われた男 ("The Employer") - "The Economist"
  4. 証言 ("Testimony") - "Eggtown"
  5. 定数 ("Constant") - "The Constant"
  6. 許されぬ関係 ("Forbidden Relationship") - "The Other Woman"
  7. ジヨン ("Ji Yeon") - "Ji Yeon"
  8. 贖罪 ("Atonement") - "Meet Kevin Johnson"
  9. ルール (phonetically:"Rule") - "The Shape of Things to Come"
  10. 父の影 ("Father's Shadow") - "Something Nice Back Home"
  11. 奇跡の子 ("Boy of Miracle") - "Cabin Fever"
  12. オーシャニック6 (phonetically:"Oceanic 6") - "There's No Place Like Home, Part 1"
  13. 基地オーキッド ("Orchid Station", "Orchid" phonetically) - "There's No Place Like Home, Part 2"
  14. 帰還 ("Return") - "There's No Place Like Home, Part 3"

Season 5[]

  1. 責めを負う者 ("The One Who Bears the Blame") - "Because You Left"
  2. 嘘 ("Lie") - "The Lie"
  3. ジャグヘッド (phonetically:"Jughead") - "Jughead"
  4. リトル・プリンス (phonetically:"Little Prince") - "The Little Prince"
  5. 死の島 ("Island of Death") - "This Place Is Death"
  6. 316 - "316"
  7. ジェレミー・ベンサムの生と死 ("Jeremy Bentham's Life And Death", "Jeremy Bentham" phonetically) - "The Life and Death of Jeremy Bentham"
  8. ラフルア (phonetically:"LaFleur") - "LaFleur"
  9. ナマステ (phonetically:"Namaste") - "Namaste"
  10. 理由 ("Reason") - "He's Our You"
  11. 未だ見ぬ過去 ("The Past Which Is Yet to Be Seen") - "Whatever Happened, Happened"
  12. 島の裁き ("Island's Judgment") - "Dead Is Dead"
  13. 父という存在 ("Existence Named Father") - "Some Like It Hoth"
  14. 変数 ("Variable") - "The Variable"
  15. リーダー (phonetically:"Leader") - "Follow the Leader"
  16. ジェイコブ (phonetically:"Jacob") - "The Incident, Part 1"
  17. 運命の午後 ("The Afternoon of Destiny") - "The Incident, Part 2"

Season 6[]

  1. LA X - "LA X, Part 1"
  2. テンプル (phonetically:"Temple") - "LA X, Part 2"
  3. 彼女の心情 ("Her Feelings") - "What Kate Does"
  4. 代理 ("Substitute") - "The Substitute"
  5. 灯台 ("Lighthouse") - "Lighthouse"
  6. 日没 ("Sundown") - "Sundown"
  7. ライナス博士 ("Dr.Linus","Linus" phonetically) - "Dr. Linus"
  8. 偵察 ("Recon") - "Recon"
  9. 長く仕えし者 ("The One Who Has been Serving for a Long Time") - "Ab Aeterno"
  10. パッケージ (phonetically:"Package") - "The Package"
  11. 目覚めの時 ("Time to Wake") - "Happily Ever After"
  12. ヒューゴの導き ("Hugo's Guidance","Hugo" phonetically) - "Everybody Loves Hugo"
  13. 合流 ("Joining") - "The Last Recruit"
  14. 候補者 ("Candidate") - "The Candidate"
  15. 白と黒 ("White and Black") - "Across the Sea"
  16. すべてはこのために ("Everything Is for This") - "What They Died For"
  17. 終幕 -前編- ("The End -Part1-") - "The End"
  18. 終幕 -後編- ("The End -Part2-") - "The End"


  • As many episode names are plays on English sayings, the episodes have been renamed, mostly into Japanese. A few have been renamed with unique English language titles, such as "Born to Run", which was renamed to Time Capsule: タイムカプセル. Curiously, Episode 1x02 "Pilot, Part 2" was renamed SOS, which is the original English name for Episode 2x19 "S.O.S.". Furthermore, the second half of Episode 3x22 is called The Beginning of the End.

Transliteration key[]

The following is the written form, in English and Japanese (in Katakana), of various terms and original cast members.

These kana representations are useful if for web searches of Lost-related topics in Japanese search engines such as Goo. In the section below, the roman and katakana representations will be exact representations of each other. Therefore, if only the first name is given in English, then the given kana represents only the first name as well. The dot character "・" represents a space between words, such as the space between the first and last names.

Cast and Crew

Character names

Miscellaneous translations

  • "Main Character" - メインキャラ (phonetically: "MainChara")
  • Year =年, Month =月, and Day =日. Hence October 20, 2004 = 2004年10月20日
  • Voice actor (seiyuu) = 声 and 声優



Chemistry (Season 1)


Crystal Kay at the AXN Season 3 Japan premiere

Main article: Music

End credit theme songs


Ito Yuna's 'losin (Season 2)

External links[]


Japanese Season 2 end credits featuring Yuna Ito's losin'. The credits also list the dubbing voice actors for each character.

Japanese Season 3 end credits featuring Crystal Kay's "Lonely Girl"
