
In Italy, Season 1 aired on Sky (satellite pay-TV, owned by News Corp.), on the "Fox" channel (2005).

The free analog Rai Due channel (state-owned) also aired season one. The season ended on Monday, May 22nd 2006. RAI, the state-owned company that runs Rai Due, seems to have retransmission rights not just for Lost but also for many US series, such as Alias, Cold Case, Without a Trace and NCIS.


The series airs with an Italian dubbing and included all episodes. On Sky original English audio was also available. RAI and mobile phone company Vodafone also offered mobile phone content based on Lost during its run (such as recaps of previous episodes) to customers of the latter.

Due to many TV shows being dubbed by a low number of dubbing studios, many of the Italian voices of Lost are very recognizable, especially Vittorio Guerrieri's voice for Jack (Guerrieri also dubbed a number of other characters in TV


Fox and Rai2 logos

shows, such as Captain Harmon Rebb in JAG, also aired by Rai Due, or Wesley Windham-Price in Buffy: the Vampire Slayer) and Fabio Boccanera's voice for Sawyer (Ben Affleck, Johnny Depp, Colin Farrell, Matt Damon, River Phoenix...). See main article Voice actors.

Episode names[]

(Lista Episodi)

Season 1[]

(Prima stagione)

  1. Pilota, prima parte (ENGLISH TRANSLATION: Pilot, first part) - "Pilot, Part 1"
  2. Pilota, seconda parte (Pilot, second part) - "Pilot, Part 2"
  3. Tabula rasa (Tabula rasa) - "Tabula Rasa"
  4. La caccia (The hunt) - "Walkabout"
  5. Il coniglio bianco (The white rabbit) - "White Rabbit"
  6. La casa del Sol Levante (The house of the Rising Sun) - "House of the Rising Sun"
  7. La falena (The moth) - "The Moth"
  8. Il truffatore (The con man) - "Confidence Man"
  9. Solitudine (Solitude) - "Solitary"
  10. Un figlio (A son) - "Raised by Another"
  11. Inseguimento (Pursuit) - "All the Best Cowboys Have Daddy Issues"
  12. Il mistero della valigetta (The mistery of the case) - "Whatever the Case May Be"
  13. Ragione e sentimento (Sense and sensibility) - "Hearts and Minds"
  14. Speciale (Special) - "Special"
  15. Ritorno (Return) - "Homecoming"
  16. Fuorilegge (Outlaws) - "Outlaws"
  17. Cambiamenti (Changes) - "...In Translation"
  18. Numeri (Numbers) - "Numbers"
  19. Deus Ex Machina (Deus ex machina) - "Deus Ex Machina"
  20. Non nuocere (Do no harm) - "Do No Harm"
  21. Il bene superiore (The greater good) - "The Greater Good"
  22. In fuga (Running away) - "Born to Run"
  23. Esodo, prima parte (Exodus, first part) - "Exodus, Part 1"
  24. Esodo, seconda parte (Exodus, second part)- "Exodus, Part 2"
  25. Esodo, terza parte (Exodus, third part)- "Exodus, Part 3"

Season 2[]

(Seconda stagione)

  1. Uomo di scienza, uomo di fede (Man of science, man of faith) - "Man of Science, Man of Faith"
  2. Alla deriva (Adrift) - "Adrift"
  3. Orientamento (Orientation) - "Orientation"
  4. Tutti odiano Hugo (Everybody hates Hugo)- "Everybody Hates Hugo"
  5. Oggetti smarriti (Lost and found) - "...And Found"
  6. Abbandono (Abandonment) - "Abandoned"
  7. Gli altri 48 giorni (The other 48 days)- "The Other 48 Days"
  8. Ritrovarsi (Meeting) - "Collision"
  9. Storia di Kate (Kate's history)- "What Kate Did"
  10. Il Salmo 23 (The Psalm 23) - "The 23rd Psalm"
  11. Linea di confine (Border) - "The Hunting Party"
  12. Fuoco e acqua (Fire and water) - "Fire + Water"
  13. Il lupo (The wolf) - "The Long Con"
  14. Uno degli altri (One of the others) - "One of Them"
  15. Maternità (Maternity) - "Maternity Leave"
  16. Tutta la verità (All the truth) - "The Whole Truth"
  17. Chiusura (Lockdown) - "Lockdown"
  18. Dave (Dave) - "Dave"
  19. S.O.S. (S.O.S.) - "S.O.S."
  20. Due per la strada (Two for the road) - "Two for the Road"
  21. ? (?) - "?"
  22. Tre minuti (Three minutes) - "Three Minutes"
  23. Si vive insieme, si muore soli, prima parte (We live together, we die alone, first part) - "Live Together, Die Alone, Part 1"
  24. Si vive insieme, si muore soli, seconda parte (We live together, we die alone, second part) - "Live Together, Die Alone, Part 2"

Season 3[]

(Terza stagione)

  1. Storia di due città (Tale of two cities) - "A Tale of Two Cities"
  2. La ballerina di vetro (The glass ballerina) - "The Glass Ballerina"
  3. Ulteriori istruzioni (Further instructions) - "Further Instructions"
  4. Ognuno pensi per sé (Every man think for himself) - "Every Man for Himself"
  5. Il prezzo della vita (The cost of living)- "The Cost of Living"
  6. Lo voglio (I do) - "I Do"
  7. Non a Portland (Not in Portland) - "Not in Portland"
  8. Déjà vu (Deja vu) - "Flashes Before Your Eyes"
  9. Straniero in terra straniera (Stranger in a strange land) - "Stranger in a Strange Land"
  10. Tricia Tanaka è morta (Tricia Tanaka is dead) - "Tricia Tanaka Is Dead"
  11. Digitare 77 (Enter 77) - "Enter 77"
  12. Per via aerea (Par avion) - "Par Avion"
  13. L'uomo di Tallahassee (The man from Tallahassee) - "The Man from Tallahassee"
  14. Exposé (Exposé) - "Exposé"
  15. Abbandonate (Abandoned) - "Left Behind"
  16. Una di noi (One of us) - "One of Us"
  17. Piovuta dal cielo (Fallen from the sky) - "Catch-22"
  18. Data del concepimento (Date of conception)- "D.O.C."
  19. Il brigantino (The brig) - "The Brig"
  20. L'uomo dietro le quinte (The man behind the scenes) - "The Man Behind the Curtain"
  21. Greatest Hits (Greatest Hits) - "Greatest Hits"
  22. Attraverso lo Specchio, prima parte (Through the Looking Glass, first part) - "Through the Looking Glass, Part 1"
  23. Attraverso lo Specchio, seconda parte (Through the Looking Glass, second part) - "Through the Looking Glass, Part 2"

Season 4[]

(Quarta stagione)

  1. L'inizio della fine (The beginning of the end) - "The Beginning of the End"
  2. Morte accertata (Confirmed death) - "Confirmed Dead"
  3. L'economista (The economist) - "The Economist"
  4. Pessimi affari (Very bad deals) - "Eggtown"
  5. La costante (The constant) - "The Constant"
  6. L'altra donna (The other woman) - "The Other Woman"
  7. Ji Yeon - "Ji Yeon"
  8. Vi presento Kevin Johnson - (Meet Kevin Johnson) - "Meet Kevin Johnson"
  9. Cambio delle regole (Change of rules) - "The Shape of Things to Come"
  10. Intervento imprevisto (Unexpected operation) - "Something Nice Back Home"
  11. Ricerca febbrile (Restless search) - "Cabin Fever"
  12. Casa dolce casa, prima parte (Home sweet home, first part) - "There's No Place Like Home, Part 1"
  13. Casa dolce casa, seconda parte (Home sweet home, second part) - "There's No Place Like Home, Part 2"
  14. Casa dolce casa, terza parte (Home sweet home, third part) - "There's No Place Like Home, Part 3"

Season 5[]

(Quinta stagione)

  1. L'assenza e il vuoto (Absence and void) - "Because You Left"
  2. La grande menzogna (The big lie) - "The Lie"
  3. La bomba (The bomb) - "Jughead"
  4. Il piccolo principe (The little prince) - "The Little Prince"
  5. Questo posto è la morte (This place is death) - "This Place Is Death"
  6. 316 - "316"
  7. Vita e morte di Jeremy Bentham (Life and death of Jeremy Bentham) - "The Life and Death of Jeremy Bentham"
  8. LaFleur - "LaFleur"
  9. Namaste - "Namaste"
  10. Lui è il nostro 'te' (He's our 'you') - "He's Our You"
  11. Quel che è stato è stato (What happened, happened) - "Whatever Happened, Happened"
  12. Ciò che è morto è morto (What's dead is dead) - "Dead Is Dead"
  13. Il padre che non c'era (The father who was not there) - "Some Like It Hoth"
  14. Costanti e variabili (Constants and variables) - "The Variable"
  15. Il nuovo leader (The new leader) - "Follow the Leader"
  16. L'incidente, prima parte (The incident, first part) - "The Incident, Part 1"
  17. L'incidente, seconda parte (The incident, second part) - "The Incident, Part 2"

Season 6[]

(Sesta stagione)

  1. Los Angeles LA X, prima parte (Los Angeles LA X, first part) - "LA X, Part 1"
  2. Los Angeles LA X, seconda parte (Los Angeles LA X, second part) - "LA X, Part 2"
  3. Quello che fa Kate (What Kate does) - "What Kate Does"
  4. Il sostituto (The substitute) - "The Substitute"
  5. Il faro (The lighthouse) - "Lighthouse"
  6. Tramonto (Sundown) - "Sundown"
  7. Dottor Linus (Doctor Linus) - "Dr. Linus"
  8. Ricognizione (Recon) - "Recon"
  9. Ab aeterno - "Ab Aeterno"
  10. Il pacco (The package) - "The Package"
  11. E vissero felici e contenti (And they lived happily ever after) - "Happily Ever After"
  12. Tutti amano Hugo (Everybody loves Hugo) - "Everybody Loves Hugo"
  13. L'ultima recluta (The last recruit) - "The Last Recruit"
  14. Il candidato (The candidate) - "The Candidate"
  15. Al di là del mare (Beyond the sea) - "Across the Sea"
  16. Quello per cui sono morti (That for which they are dead) - "What They Died For"
  17. La fine, prima parte (The End, first part) - "The End"
  18. La fine, seconda parte (The End, second part) - "The End"

Clip shows[]

(Speciale riassuntivo)

  1. Lost: Il Viaggio - Lost: The Journey
  2. Destinazione Lost - Destination Lost
  3. Lost: Revelation - Lost: Revelation
  4. Lost: I sopravvissuti - Lost: A Tale of Survival
  5. Lost: Alla ricerca del tempo perduto - Lost: Destiny Calls
  6. Lost: I 6 della Oceanic - Lost: The Story of the Oceanic 6
  7. Lost: Un viaggio nel tempo - Lost: A Journey in Time
  8. Lost: Capitolo Finale - Lost: Final Chapter

See also[]

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External links[]
