
"Lost Survivor Guide" is a clip show that aired on February 7, 2007, closing the 13-week hiatus after the "miniseason" of the first six episodes of Season 3, and airing in the hour before the resumption of the season with episode "Not in Portland".


A new look at the lives of some of the survivors of Oceanic Flight 815 -- and a closer inspection of the island they are stranded on -- will be revealed in anticipation of the return of the second act of "Lost's" third season.

The special is hosted by "Lost" Executive Producers Damon Lindelof and Carlton Cuse.

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Damon Lindelof and Carlton Cuse.

ABC once again invites new and avid "Lost" viewers to take another look at one of the most talked-about and critically acclaimed shows. "Lost Survivor Guide" will explore the series in a way that will bring new viewers up to date -- but which current viewers will also find illuminating - in anticipation of the return of the second act of the series' third season. From the backstories of some of the most interesting characters on television to the mysteries of the island, "Lost Survivor Guide" will provide an insightful glimpse into the lives of some of the survivors of the doomed Oceanic Airlines flight 815.

Hosted by "Lost" executive producers Damon Lindelof (also a co-creator of the show) and Carlton Cuse, the special will be told in a linear fashion, culminating from pieces of the backstories revealed over multiple episodes in the series, "Lost Survivor Guide" focuses on the flashbacks of a core of characters -- illustrating who they were and what they were doing before the crash, and how the island has changed their lives, for better or worse. In addition, the island itself will be explored - culled from events that have taken place - which may reveal some of its secrets that might have been missed upon first viewing.


  • The video is available on the ABC.com website before the official world broadcast in the evening of February 7th.
  • Perhaps to avoid confusing new viewers to the series, this "look back" at the previous 2-1/2 seasons omitted any reference to several key characters that are no longer part of the show - namely Shannon, Boone, Michael, Walt, Ana Lucia, and Libby.

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